10 Foods That Can Make You Moody- Jessica Kroll Blog Post #2

The Modern-American Diet: sugar, carbs, fat, sodium.  In our society, you would think these four categories made up the food pyramid.  In America, the rapid rate of obesity is increasing due to our poor eating habits, but also, our eating habits are causing Americans to become depressed.  Research has shown that not only do these fast food trips and soda binges increase the weight of Americans, but they also put us in a bad mood. Our diets lack the nutrients our bodies and brains need and these poor food choices lead to depression.  This bad mood makes us not want to do anything(exercise) which will cause weight gain.  What a vicious cycle.  In a recent article I read, it talked about the top 10 foods that cause us to become more depressed and moody.  It also gives the alternative food choice that will help keep the weight off and the smiles on. 

1.)  Potato chips. Fried chips have omega-6 fatty acids that block out mood-enhancing, brain-building omega-3 fatty acids.

Alternative: Microwavable popcorn

2.)  Ham. Pigs are pumped full of antibiotics and the ham is injected with sugar, salt, fillers, and nitrate preservatives that can trigger low moods, migraines, and even swollen ankles.

Alternative: Salmon.  This fish has memory-preserving, mood-boosting omega-3 fats DHA and EPA. A 2008 study found that fish oil containing the same omega-3s found in salmon is just as effective as Prozac in treating depression.

3.) Soda.  This drink turns to fat inside our bodies.

Alternative: Organic fruit juice mixed with a bubbly soda water.

 4.) Margarine. Margarine is fake food, and the body doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Alternative: Pastured butter.  This butter is natural and made from grass-fed cows and is high in a good fat called conjugated linoleic acid. This fat has anti-cancer properties and has been shown to decrease belly fat and ower heart attack risk.

 5.) Seeds in plastic packaging.  The food industry often coats seeds in a preservative called potassium bromate, which blocks iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid.  Without proper iodide levels, the thyroid, which is vital to maintaining good moods, can’t function properly. FYI: the thyroid is one of the first thing psychiatrists check when evaluating a person with depression.

Alternative: Raw pumpkin or squash seeds.

 6.) Agave.  It increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, setting the stage for brain shrinkage and mood instability.

Alternative: 100% maple syrup that lists no high-fructose corn syrup and local honey. These contain minerals and powerful plant antioxidants that promote health.

7.) Bagels. They contain carbs that result in a major energy crash and mood buster. FYI- companies are doubling the size of bagels compared to just a few decades ago.

Alternative: Pastured eggs. They contain B vitamins, zinc, and iodide, they’ll keep you full and energized.

 8.) Salted peanuts.  They are high in sodium and MSG.  MSG is an artificial flavoring linked to migraines, weakness, burning sensations, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.

Alternative: Walnuts and almonds.  If you miss the salt, toss the nuts with rosemary and sea salt, and roast in the oven at 300 degrees for 15 minutes. Researchers are studying rosemary’s potential role as a brain-protecting herb.

 9.) Vegetable shortening

Alternative:  Pastured lard. 

 10.) Packaged sweet potatoes.  These increase blood sugar levels, age our blood vessels, shrink our brains, damage vision and nerve function, and increase our risk of depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

Alternative: Naked sweet potatoes.  Do not add sugar when baking. Plain sweet potatoes are loaded with beta-carotene, a fat-soluble, brain-protecting antioxidant the body uses to manufacture vitamin A. This vitamin promotes the enzymes that create mood-regulating neurotransmitters like dopamine.

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